Click twice to play - Internet Explorer ActiveX bug.

Microsoft recently released an update to Internet Explorer that changes how Internet Explorer handles some web pages that use interactive controls. Wimpy is based on Adobe Flash, which uses interactive controls.

Click here for more information on this topic.

Solutions for the need to double click on Wimpy when using Internet Explorer follow.

Wimpy Button:

Follow the instructions for using the "JavaScript button" HTML code generated by the Wimpy Button Maker tool. Click here to view the instructions.

Wimpy MP3 Player and Wimpy AV:

1. Uploading the Wimpy files to your web site as per installation instructions.

2. Use the Customizer tool and set the options as needed.

3. Click the checkbox for "Download a wimpyConfigs.xml file" in the "Wimpy Script Configuration" section.

4. Save the resulting wimpyConfigs.xml file to your local machine.

5. Upload wimpyConfigs.xml to the same folder as wimpy.php.

6. Go to wimpy.php on your web site.


7. Using your browser's "Save As..." feature, save the HTML page. (From your browser's main menu: File > Save As... )

NOTE: You may also use your browser's "View Source" feature, which can usually be accessed by right clicking on the page and choosing "View Source" from the pop up menu. When using this feature, be sure that you don't click on an image or on Wimpy directly, instead, click on a blank area of the page.

8. "Copy" the Wimpy HTML code. When opening the HTML with your text editor (or when using the "View Source" feature), you should see something similar to:

<TITLE>Wimpy Player</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" valign="middle">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">f26();</script>


Highlight the Wimpy code (in the example above, the Wimpy code is green) and use the "copy" feature of your text editor (or browser) to copy the Wimpy code.

(From the main menu: Edit > Copy).

Next, open your existing HTML page and "paste" (From the main menu: Edit > Paste) the Wimpy code anywhere between the opening </body> and closing </body> tags in your page.

The wimpy HTML code should look similar to:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">f26();</script>

Save your existing HTML page an upload it to your web site. You may need to refresh the page in your browser so that your browser knows to retrieve the latest version of the file.







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