Pop Up Help
popUpHelp -- Enables or disables the annoying little help tabs.
By default, pop up help tabs are enabled, which causes annoying little yellow info text to appear when the mouse is rolled over controls. You can disable these annoying little yellow boxes at start up by setting this option to "no."
You can edit the information displayed in the pop up help by editing the skin for your player. Open a skin_name.xml file with Skin Machine and select an object. At the top of the "inspector" panel, there is a field for "Help Text." Set the text to your liking, then click the "set" button next to the text field. Save the skin_name.xml file and re-upload it to your server. Be sure to empty your browser's cache after updating files on your web site so that your browser knows to retrieve the latest version of the files.
yes - Enables the pop up help (default)
no -Disables the pop up help
As HTML option:
As Wimpy Configs Option:
As Javascript Option: