Use Skin
wimpySkin -- Sets the proper URL to the external skin file
When using the Customizer tool, a drop-down list of available skins is automatically populated in the Customizer tool -- allowing you to quickly select a skin that is available on your server. The Customizer Tool will only look for skin files that are located within the Wimpy Installation folder. If you've uploaded a skin file to a location on your server that is outside of your Wimpy Installation folder, you will have to enter the URL tot he skin file manually.
If Wimpy can not load the specified skin file, Wimpy will display an error indicating that Wimpy should not load the skin. Double check the URL to the skin file and try again.
If your server does not support PHP, ASP or ColdFusion, the pre-populated list will not be available to you. You will have to enter the URL to a skin file on your server manually.
A skin file is an XML file that contains data about the location, color and images to use for each element within the player. A skin file is NOT and image, but rather an XML data file that instructs Wimpy on what image, colors and size to make the player. When specifying a skin file, be sure to enter a URL to an XML file.
When uploading new skins, be sure to upload any associated graphics as well. Failure to upload associated graphics will cause the player to display an error message.
We recommend creating a new folder within the Wimpy installation folder on your server for each skin, then uploading the skin to it's own folder. This way, all of the associated graphics for each skin will all be contained within the skin's unique folder -- elimination the possibility that associated files get overwritten by another skins associated graphics. Plus, if the skin folder is located within the Wimpy installation folder, the Customizer Tool will be able to automatically add the skin to the drop-down menu.
As HTML option:
As Wimpy Configs Option:
As Javascript Option: