1. Download and install the standard Wimpy package as described in the "Quick Start Guide"
2. Edit the Wimpy SQL ED configuration file.
Open wimpy.sql.ed.configs.php in a text editor and set the preferences as described in the "Configuration" section below.
3. Upload Wimpy.
Upload all of the Wimpy SQL ED files to the same folder as the standard Wimpy MP3 Player on your web site.
4. Check the database connectivity.
Pull up wimpy.sql.ed.php directly with a web browser to ensure that the configuration options established for your database (e.g. host, database, user, password) are not issuing any errors.
When accessing wimpy.sql.ed.php directly, your browser should return something similar to:
This is good. This result is an "empty" SIFT playlist.
5. Pull up myWimpy.php in a browser.
The player will display an EMPTY playlist when myWimpy.php is accessed without a query?string.. (We're just checking to see that Wimpy loads OK.) If Wimpy does not load properly, you may need to use the Customizer tool to generate another myWimpy.php file. See the "Customizing Wimpy SQL ED" section below for more information on generating a new myWimpy.php page for use wimpy Wimpy SQL ED.
To use Wimpy throughout your website, you will have to use the Customizer tool to generate a new myWimpy.php page that uses a full URL to each of the wimpy files. The myWimpy.php included in the Wimpy SQL ED package is for testing purposes and uses relative paths to the associated files (e.g. "wimpy.sql.ed.php" and not "http://www.yourite.com/path/to/wimpy.sql.ed.php")
We recommend using the myWimpy.php file included in this package during setup because the enclosed myWimpy.php file uses minimal configuration options to reduce any potential issues with just getting things up and running.
6. Make a query
Send a query to Wimpy by following the instructions in the "Making a Query " section.
The basic synopsis is to send in a field (or column) name and a term to search for:
An example query might look something like:
If you're experiencing "issues" you may want to send the query string in to wimpy.sql.ed.php directly to see if PHP is returning errors.
The result of sending the query directly into wimpy.sql.ed.php will be a text string similar to:
See the "Troubleshooting" section for more help.