Some characters do not display properly
e.g. å ä ö Å Ä Ö
There are issues with ASCII characters above 255 (i.e. some Swedish, German
and French characters such as å ä ö Å Ä Ö ).
The issue revolves around the ability of PHP to output double-byte characters properly. Check with your server administrator to see if they can re-build PHP with the mbstring extension "-with mbstring"
When using an XML playlist, you should URL encode special characters. Certain non-alpha-numeric characters can cause XML to "break." The following table notes the "bad characters" that must be URL encoded.
Bad Character |
Name |
XML encoding |
URL encoding |
& |
ampersand |
& |
%26 |
< |
less-than sign |
< |
%3C |
> |
greater-than sign |
> |
%3E |
’ |
apostrophe |
' |
%27 |
" |
quotation |
" |
%22 |