Can not navigate through sub-folders. ( PHP error 406 - Not Acceptable )
There is a very good chance your host has installed mod_security with its
basic set of rules, which can cause problems. mod_security can be a good thing,
but when it stops your website from working its not. mod_security was popularized
during the phpbb sanity worm attacks (that I am aware of), since then tons
of hosts just install it and have no real idea how to configure it. The following
code will allow you to disable mod_security and have Wimpy operate normally
Make or edit an .htaccess file and add the following code:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
If you're not familiar with, or don't know how to create an .htaccess file,
consult you web site administrator.