Wimpy SQL Quick Start Guide

Login in as an "Admin"

  1. Click the "login" button and enter the same Admin username and password you set for $user and $pwd for your MySQL database.

    NOTE: The password is hashed using md5 in transit from Flash to PHP.

    The login button should now have a green outline and should now be labeled "Admin." Click this button again to access the admin panel within Wimpy SQL.

    Since this is the first time accessing Wimpy SQL, the MySQL database has not been configured. Wimpy SQL will run through a series of checks to ensure that all the MySQL settings defined in wimpy.sql.configs.php are set up properly.

    Once the checks are validated, you should see "No Tables Found" and a big button that says "INSTALL" -- click the "INSTALL" button.

Adding items to the database.

  1. Log in as an Admin.

  2. Once you see "Installation OK" in green letters, you will notice a new button labeled "Import Files." Click this button to import files.

  3. Navigate to the directory that contains your mp3 files using the [+] directory name, the [ ../ Back ] button or the "Drive" drop down.

  4. Once you've opened the directory that contains your mp3 files, click the "Process Current View" button. All of the files and sub directories will get loaded into the "Files to process" window. Wimpy SQL should start processing the items loaded in the "Files to process" window, if it appears that the items are not being processed, click the rectangular "play" button next to the Files to Process window to start processing the files and folders. Wimpy SQL will recursively scan through all the directories that are loaded in the "Files to Process" window -- looking for mp3 files.

  5. If only one directory is displayed in the current view, you may need to open that directory.

  6. When using Wimpy SQL for the first time, it is best to only process a couple files or a single directory. Processing times vary depending on network speed and server performance. If you elected to use the "Amazon Cover Art" option, processing time will likely double.

  7. Once all of the files and folders have been processed, close the admin panel (click the little "x" in the upper right-hand corner of the panel).


Seeing the newly added items.

  1. The "Artists" accordion menu should be open in the main Wimpy SQL interface. If not, click on the "Artist" bar to the left.

  2. Click on the item labeled "[ ALL ]." This will load the "startup" listings.

  3. By default, each time Wimpy SQL is started up the following occurs:

    • 50 random tracks are loaded into the main playlist.

    • 15 random albums are loaded into the scrolling album view.

    • All genres will load up in the "Genres" accordion list.

    • All artists will load up in the "Artists" accordion list.

    • All playlists created by administrators will load up in the "Playlist" accordion list.

    These lists are derived based on the ID3 contents of your MP3 files.


Playlist Tools

  1. Log in as either an Admin or a regular user

  2. Click the "Playlist Tools" button.

  3. Once the playlist tools menu is open, click "New" and enter a name for the playlist.

  4. Drag and drop a cover image from the cover area on top of the new playlist name in the list. Or click on a couple items in the main playlist view and drag them on top of the new playlist name. (you can ctrl click to select a couple items or shift-click to select a range of items).

  5. When dragging items onto a playlist item, Wimpy SQL will highlight the item with a solid green line to indicate which playlist the album or items will go into.

  6. After releasing items "into" a playlist, you can see the new contents of the playlist by clicking the playlist name.

  7. If you have a playlist already open, and you drag an item from the album area to the main playlist view(the big playlist that shows all the songs) the main playlist view will automatically update, and the new tracks will be added to the bottom of the main playlist view.

  8. Next Click the Playlist tools button again and select "Make Player"

    - Wimpy SQL will pop open a new window that contains a standard Wimpy MP3 Player that is running off of the newly created playlist.

    HINT: After doing a "Make Playlist" use your browser to "save as" the HTML page. You can use the resulting HTML page anywhere on your site.


User Administration

  1. Log in as Admin

  2. Click the [ Admin ] button.

  3. In the Admin panel, click the [ Manage Users ] button. The "Edit User" dialog will open.

  4. Enter the information into the dialog. The minimum information needed is a User Name and Password.

    - Click the [ Update / Add User ] button.
    - The new user shows up in the list and is now ready to use.

    "Super Users" gives the user Admin privileges.

    "Listener Only" gives users the ability to access the Playlist Tools menu to create and modify their own playlists.







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